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Wild Food from Finland -Restaurant Nallikari

Wild Food from Finland -Restaurant Nallikari

Wild Food from Finland
Wild food – berries, mushrooms, wild herbs and vegetables as well as fish, game and reindeer – is derived straight from Arctic Finnish nature.

Served in buffet; tasty soup lunch, famous Islander buffet and all inclusive business lunch with two main courses.
At lunch time you can order also from Burger&Snack and Childrens menus.

A´la Carte
Local ingredients and seasonal food. Menu designed by Chef Antti Lindholm.
A´la Carte menu changes three times a year. Top that, seasonal weeks, such as; blini, asparagus, sea food and burger weeks. To stay tuned, follow our blog posts!

To served with amazing nordic dishes, a good selection of professionally tasted and picked wines, beers and cocktails as well as soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages.

Nallikari brunch by the North Sea
is a stylish way to spend Saturday with friends and family.
Brunch is also a nice option to enjoy as a part of more festive ocations, such as small weddings and birthday parties.

Good quality coffee and tea. Wide selection of beverages and soft drinks.
Fresh pastries and bakery goods and delicious sandwiches from our own bakery Nallikari Bakery&Bistro. Take Away or enjoy here.
Full service international cocktail bar.

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Restaurant Nallikari